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Finding Auditions for Amateur Dramatic Productions

By: Angelique Caffrey - Updated: 19 Sep 2012 | comments*Discuss
Finding Auditions For Amateur Dramatic Productions

Are you interested in becoming involved with a local amateur dramatics society as a actor? That’s wonderful… but you’ll probably need to audition to be cast in an acting role. This is the standard method that directors use to decide who best fits in terms of talent and availability.

Therefore it’s important to seek out audition information so you won’t miss that perfect opportunity to join fellow thespians, singers or dancers in amateur dramatics. Consequently, five of the most reliable places to find open audition calls are listed below to help you reach your dream of a standing ovation in acting.

Finding An Amateur Dramatics Group

In today’s cyber-savvy culture, amateur dramatics troupes have at least a contact phone number, if not a full-blown website or even a theatre that they own or lease. Hence, many times, audition information is listed online or even posted on a recorded voice mail message.

If you don’t readily find acting audition updates on the amateur dramatics society’s web pages or telephone messages, feel free to get in touch with them via their email or phone number. Be assertive and know that you might need to send more than one inquiry or leave more than one message; often, those people involved with amateur dramatics groups are extremely busy and responding to you could fall through the cracks. So expect to be (nicely) persistent.

Audition Information In Local Newspapers and Other Print Publications

An amateur dramatics troupe may send out press releases to local print media in the hopes of getting a little publicity about their open auditions for actors and upcoming shows. Look for these in the community, classifieds or entertainment pages of smaller newspapers and flyers. (Major newspapers will typically not give this kind of “free” promotion.)

Sometimes, amateur dramatics societies with financial backing will also take out advertisement space indicating they are holding auditions for actors. As you might expect, these ads are usually small (to maximise the group’s investment), so look over your print publications with an eye to detail!

Audition Notices On Online Community “Bulletin Boards”

The Internet may be an excellent place for you to find auditions for actors in amateur dramatics groups’ upcoming plays or recitals, especially if your city has a community-based “bulletin board” or “message centre” that focuses on regional activities and events.

Be sure to check back on a regular basis; in fact, you may want to bookmark the site. Many times, new amateur dramatics troupes form and actively seek out actors, members and volunteers using this low-cost method.

Audition Information On “Bricks and Mortar” Bulletin Boards

Fitness gyms, spas, libraries and neighbourhood recreational facilities may have bulletin boards upon which non-profit organisations can pin or tack posters advertising their services, products and events.

The next time you’re in such a building, take a gander at the flyers. You might just find one for an amateur dramatics society that’s holding acting auditions in the near future.

Side Note: Even if you find an older flyer with auditions for actors that have occurred in the recent past, take down the contact person’s number and/or email. Many times, amateur dramatics groups do not get enough people at the first round of auditions, so they may still be in need of some actors or singers.

Audition Information By Word-of-Mouth

Finally, never forget that word-of-mouth is a powerful way to find out about acting auditions! If you’re serious about wanting to try out as an actor for a musical, drama, comedy, opera or other performing arts production, start telling people. This can include friends, family members and even colleagues.

Who knows? You may just find out that a co-worker is actually “in the know”… but you’ll never find out if you don’t ask.

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I am going along to my first audition for an am dram perforance tonight. I found the local am dram club from an advert in the local paper and I gave them a call and they said to come along for an audtion tonight, so I am! The audition is for a play in 6 weeks time, it's only a small role but everyone has to start somewhere, right?
dramaqueen - 23-May-12 @ 10:18 AM
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